Last week after work the kids were being so cute that I just had to get the camera out to document the brother / sister relationship.
Adalyn was eating some goldfish with blue paint from a picture she made at daycare in her hair and on her face. She LOVES painting and drawing.
Happy boy with his sister's old rolling toy.
If Adalyn is within reaching distance, Cayden is always all over her snack bowl. He SO wants to eat whatever sister is eating. He doesn't realize that he isn't able to eat her snacks with his two little teeth. It's all she can do to get his little fingers peeled off the bowl. Boy likes to eat.
I love this picture. She's saying "no brother" and he's saying "why not? give up the good stuff!"
So he leans in with more vigor.
Look at those leg rolls!
Adalyn turned away to guard her bowl and you can just see Cayden's wheels turning.
The reach-around. Nope. Didn't work.
"If all else fails I'll just try to pull her over."
And thankfully after all of that, Adalyn is still just as sweet to him and gives him kisses.
Pesky little brother. That's his job, right?
Later Adalyn was trying to teach Cayden how to use his sippy cup. (Yes, she has a different shirt on.)
"See? Watch me."
She also likes to give him his bottle. She's pretty serious about it.
I am so thankful for their precious relationship. I just love sitting back and watching them interact. I know it will only get sweeter.