Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! When you have two kids 2 and under Mother's Day isn't necessarily a day of vacation and doing nothing, but it is a day to feel special. Jonathan and the kids made me feel so special this year! He made a precious homemade craft with the kids, gave me a new purse and shirts, took us out to lunch (even though the kids didn't behave like normal), and then even took us out to get frozen yogurt tonight! The kids were a handful and didn't both sleep at the same time so there were no naps to be had by yours truly, but that's ok. Spending nap time holding my baby boy made me so thankful for being a mother.

Here are a few pictures we attempted this morning before church.

It is so hard to get everyone to look at the camera and smile at the same time! 

Now that I'm a mom, I realize even more how amazing my mom is. I always knew that she was a great mom, but now that I'm a mom I feel like I understand a whole new level of her love. She has so much love for me and I love how much she loves and adores my kids. (And as you can tell they adore her too!) Happy Mother's Day, Mom!


Jamie Kubeczka said...

I don't think anyday is like a vacation.. LOL. Happy Mother's Day to you!

Lindsy said...

Love the pics of you and your babies even if they aren't all looking and don't you know I'm totally familiar with that issue! Glad your Mothers Day was so special.