Jonathan was called earlier today with an offer from a bank. Yes, we were happy to have a job offer. I don't want you to think we are ungrateful...but he would be taking a step backwards both with the job and with the money. So we were looking through the benefits package and it was horrible. We both kept reading thinking that it would get better, but medical, compensation, life insurance...they were all bad. Now, you all know that we've been trusting in the Lord for where he wants J to be, but we were getting very discouraged. While we were looking at the computer, J got an email from UK. When he started reading it we thought it was a turn down, but it turned out that it said that they needed more information to make a decision and that the job was between J and one other candidate! He is 1 of 2! Yes, we breathed a sigh of relief! But we're not in the clear...yet. Isn't God's timing crazy? Wow! Right when we needed it! I mean we had both written off the UK job. Since he had not heard back from them until late tonight, we figured it had been offered to someone else. They said that they will be in contact with J next week, so please be in prayer...
I haven't posted for a couple days because I have had nothing to say really. We still have not heard back from the job interview on Monday. They told us that they would be making a decision by the end of the week and yes, it is Friday afternoon and we have heard nothing. I guess even though I tried not to get my hopes up for this job I did anyway. I've actually made myself feel yucky getting anxious about this answer. I keep telling myself that God has provided for us for 5 months and His Will will be done. I know He knows our future and has better things for us than what we can dream or hope for. But then my human self takes over and I get anxious.
I know God will provide a job for Jonathan. I mean, he has provided this temp job for now, it's just really hard to continue to trust and live in a state of instability. I think back to before J lost his job and I don't think I could have imagined that this would happen or that we would still be looking for a job this many months later. It's hard to explain how we both feel. If only we could have some sort of stability. I know God is our stability. But it's hard to live week to week at a temp job while on the emotional roller coaster of job interviews. I'll tell you what...it has opened my eyes. I know it has brought J and I closer to God and closer to each other. We have to rely on God to get through and it has really taught us a lot. But I'm still human and I still get "down". I think about how many friends and family are praying for us and I really wish they knew how much that means to us. We really need them to keep our heads up and our eyes on Christ.
On this Good Friday we have severe thunderstorm and tornado watches. As I listen to the thunder and look at the grey skies it makes me think of Jesus on that cross. Wow. He's so good. He cared for us so much that He died for us and He continues to take care of each of us in our individual circumstances.
5 weeks ago
You have an amazing strength and God sees this, He will provide and you will look back on this part of your life as merely a moment in time. Happy Easter! :)
I will be praying Abby!
As you were mentioning in the earlier part of your post about how God has brought you two closer to Him and to one another during this past 5 months, I could relate. About 7 years ago Doug was let go for 3 months and honestly, as I look back, those 3 months were some of the best moments of our marriage (and we've had a good marriage). God did amazing things through that time of totally trusting in Him and I often think back to that time with fond memories.
May God continue to give you both wisdom and clarity as you seek His will for your future!
Big hugs my Friend xo
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