Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Belly Pics: Week 37

I am now considered full term!! Wow! This past weekend Jonathan and I worked so hard finishing everything in preparation for Cayden. The nursery is completed! All of the frames on the walls are empty waiting for prints that are being made but other than that everything is finished! As soon as I receive the prints for the frames in the nursery I'm planning on doing a nursery reveal!!  

All laundry is washed, folded and put away. We bought the few items that were mandatory before C arrived, you know like a trash can and changing pad/cover. Things like that. I have C's and my bags packed as much as possible other than last minute items. Jonathan even installed the car seat bases in our cars. That means that Adalyn now is on the opposite side of the car and forward facing (we're close enough to 2 years...). Crazy to feel so "ready". We still have our baby "gear" to get out of the storage closet in the basement and clean up but I've requested that Jonathan leave the pack and play and bouncy seat in the basement until C arrives so I don't have to look at it for the next 3 weeks. 

I even ordered big sis/ lil bro shirts from Etsy. They've been shipped and I can't wait to receive them!! So I think we've taken care of even the little details so I can rest easy for the next 3 (or less) weeks!

Today I had a doctor's appointment. I found out that I'm at 1cm and 50%, but I seem to remember being this far with Adalyn at this point and I still had to get induced with her at 40 weeks. So I'm not getting my hopes up.  My doctor offered to induce me on August 1st, but we ended up scheduling it on my due date, August 7th if Cayden doesn't decide to come first. Since my parents are in Florida for another week I'm hoping he'll hold out until at least then, but after next Thursday I'm going to give him the "all clear" that he's allowed to come meet us!

Here are my belly pictures this week:

 And because it makes me laugh to compare my belly from Adalyn to Cayden, here is Adalyn at 37 weeks:
Seriously. I carried her so low it's crazy to look at!


Janine said...

C-RAZY!!!!!!!!! Hard to believe that THIS IS HAPPENING.

Crystal said...

Two babies any day now!!!! You are carrying so different!!!! You look great!

Aishlea said...

SO CLOSE!!!!! :)

Jamie Kubeczka said...

Your almost there!! How exciting!

Lindsy said...

Now in those comparison pics I can see the difference and yes, she was lower. I'm sure it FEELS the same at this point though! After my "stats" today it's good to be reminded that even progress this early on doesn't = early baby arrival. Can't wait to see how all this unfolds.

Savannah said...

Love seeing the difference between the two pregnancies. He should be here so soon! Good luck!