Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

We had a wonderful Easter!  We started off by volunteering on Friday night at church in the nursery and then prepared communion for Saturday. (Our church had 9 Easter services!!) We were in the infant nursery so Adalyn got introduced to a whole new world of toys. We've never put her in the nursery because I was waiting until after flu season and she never makes noise during the service so she isn't a distraction. (And we usually don't attend a "live sermon" service. The music is live, but the sermon is taped so we know we're not distracting a speaker if she were to get loud. Plus it's a smaller room so we can get out easily.) I digress. We volunteered in the infant nursery and yes, we had a tornado warning! Our nurseries are on the second floor and are full of windows so we had to evacuate our rooms and go downstairs to the hallway next to the main service room. It was a bit stressful but everyone was safe, everyone stayed calm, and the tornado missed us! yay!

Sunday we didn't want to go to our normal service because that service time usually is packed with visitors so we ended up attending the 8:30am service. So early. The only service at 8:30 is live so we decided to bring Adalyn to the nursery and she did awesome.  I guess since she's used to us leaving her at the sitter she didn't even blink twice when we left. She's such a good baby and just rolls with it. We are so blessed!

When we got home from church we did Easter baskets. I didn't know what to include in her basket since she will never remember.  So I found a few things we were already buying or had already bought and put them in there and she was so cute opening her basket.  She really was interested with the different items!  Daddy took lots of pictures!
She's already grabbing those bunny ears!
 She has got a good hold on that basket! (I think she likes it!)

 Is there candy in here?
 Cute baby legs and going for her new Easter board book!
 The cutest little Easter Bunny! (She left these on until we took them back off! So funny!) Too bad we didn't get a picture of the ears with her new sunglasses on. oh my.
We then went to have lunch with the Taylor's and Motsch's. Since none of us have family in town we were each other's families and we had a yummy home cooked Easter dinner!  We were too busy getting dinner ready to remember to get pictures before dinner when the kids were all at their best but we did manage to get a few pictures after dinner minus Kennedy who was already down for her nap. 

Our first Easter as a family! 
The boys with their kids.
The girls with the kids. Avery is all chill and Adalyn is looking at Eli like "Whaa??" So cute!
Since it was cold out, Adalyn wore her matching sweater. Here is a picture of her "standing" in her Easter outfit - I found it on sale at Gymboree for $15 and the shoes were too cute not to buy for $3. (Coda sneaked in there too. She is absolutely infatuated with him right now.)


Janine said...

Her dress is so cute!

Aishlea said...

Love the bunny ears pic!

Crystal said...

Ok so our girls would for sure be BFF's if we lived closer! She is such a doll baby and I love the dress. I never made it to Gymboree :( Macey is loving Buddy these days too, poor dog is in trouble when she starts crawling. The Easter basket turned out great!

Natalie and Lee said...

Love your blog... your little angel is so precious and I LOVE her name!!

A little of this, a little of that said...