Thursday, March 27, 2014

My Little Runner

It's no secret that we are a running family. I love that Jonathan and I have the same hobby. I feel like to kids "normal" is whatever their parents do and I love that we are showing our kids a healthy lifestyle. When the weather cooperates, we love going on family runs. Jonathan pushes the kids in the stroller and as he follows me I can hear the kids cheering for me and singing songs. It's precious. So on a beautiful afternoon you won't find the Burns family at a park. You'll find us pounding the pavement. And the kids love it!

Adalyn always talks about when she's old enough to wear numbers and then her hair will be long like mommy's and sway from side to side when she runs. (So funny to see life through the eyes of a kid.) At one of the consignment sales I found a Nike pink running skirt in Adalyn's size. I knew this would be her favorite piece of clothing and it was only $5! Can't beat that! In warmer months I always wear a running skirt. I find them more comfortable than shorts, so she always sees me in my skirt and was so excited to have one of her own!

After our 5k/10 miler a couple weekends ago Adalyn asked to put her running skirt on and then I pinned my numbers to her shirt. She thought she was big stuff. She ran so many laps around our house that I lost count. She was out of breath by the time she stopped.
Cayden did NOT want a shirt on. Whatev. His inner "boy" is coming out! But he did want to be in ALL the pictures with Sissy.

I have a feeling that she will be just as competitive as her mommy and daddy. I love it! It'll be fun to enter her into some 1 mile kid races in a couple years. These things are caught not taught!

Since we have our big race this weekend. I thought this was the perfect post for today! Right now there is a 100% chance of rain with a high of 50* during my 7 mile and J's half marathon this Saturday! I am so worried. I really need near perfect conditions to conquer the insane hills that we will be running on! I'm hoping that in the next two days that forecast will change! I'd really love for the kids to be able to come to the race. They LOVE going to races and cheering! Here's hoping I will have a happy post next week about my longest race ever!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Cayden - 18 Month Pics

So I realized that I never posted any of Cayden's 18 month pictures. Since he turns 20 months today, I figured I should post his 18 month pictures:) The first outfit was the first day we tried to do pictures and he was getting over being sick and was not feeling a photo session. We decided to try pictures the next week and Cayden wasn't sick anymore but he also didn't feel like smiling. Little stinker. Thankfully Meghan was so patient and had the idea of doing pictures in his room to make him feel comfortable. She was able to snap some cute pics!

I posted this on instagram last night but I'll say it again. Adalyn was 20 months when Cayden was born so it is surreal to me that Cayden is now 20 months. I can't imagine him being the "big" sibling. He's still my baby. I can't believe Adalyn was the "big" sister at this age!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Jonathan's Mini-Me

Everyone says that Cayden looks just like Jonathan. I think it's the eyes. And the mouth. Ok, so everything except Cayden's pudgy-ness. Although Jonathan was a pudgy baby so I guess that is just like his daddy too. Anyway, I love when my boys are dressed alike. Sometimes it has been on accident and sometimes it happens on purpose because I just can't help myself. Here are two matching outfits from the past couple weeks. Of course Cayden says "cheese" right after my camera was turns off. Such a hard age to capture pictures!

Ready to cheer on the UK Wildcats! Jonathan taught him how to say "Go Cats!"

Hold on. I'm pretty sure I have a very similar picture of Jonathan with Adalyn at this age. Yep. Found it. Raising our kids the right way cheering for UK! (BTW, isn't it crazy to see how different our kids look in these pictures? They have completely different coloring and features!)

 Before church with their pink and white striped shirts, jeans (Cayden doesn't usually wear jeans to church but he had to so they could match), and matching Sperry's.

Man do I love these boys! They have my heart!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Random Pictures

Looking back through my pictures I realized that I missed posting some cute pictures from the past few months so I might as well do a photo dump here so I can try to catch up!
 A sweet picture with Nana and Papa from back in January.

 Sweet baby girl. She loves her big girl necklace.
 Before church one week. (Wow. It looks like I wear this scarf too much!) Of course Cayden wouldn't put his waffle down to take the picture. Oh well. That's life. 
 I love when both kids play sweetly together coloring and doing stickers at their play table. So sweet. Can you see that Cayden was saying "cheese" in this picture?
I think I'm finally starting to catch up with my blogging. Just a couple more posts and I will be up to date! It's hard to believe that Spring will be here this week and Easter is only a month away! Time can slow down any time now. Some days I want to push pause because the kids are at such sweet ages and play so nicely together. Then some days my kids act like crazy 3 and 1.5 year olds and I just hope they get through this phase quickly. Ha! Overall we're having so much fun enjoying them. Everything is exciting and they usually play so nicely together:) Cayden wanders through the house saying "Sissy" if she isn't in his sight. He just loves her so much and wants to do anything she's doing! And she usually is sweet about including him and playing well with him.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! We all dressed up in green for church yesterday (and work/daycare for today too) but of course I didn't have a way to take a family picture of all of us in green. So after church I tried to get a picture of the kids in their green.

Of course you can't see Adalyn's adorable green shoes in this picture. Today we ran out the door before I had a chance to remember to take a picture. Whoops! Jonathan brought home some flowers for Adalyn and me and some green cookies for the kids. I love making even the small holidays special!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day ended up being different than planned this year. The day before Valentine's Day happened to be my half day and thankfully it was because when I was on my way to pick the kids up I got a text from the sitter that Cayden had a low-grade fever. When we got home I realized that Cayden's color was really pale and his whole little body started shaking and shivering. I called and took him right over to the doctor. By the time the nurse took his temperature, his fever was 103.7! Poor guy! They swabbed him for the flu but it came back negative. They said he just had another type of virus. Thankfully he had no other symptoms than a fever. But that fever kept spiking about every 4 hours through the weekend. He was so pathetic and I felt so helpless.

Thursday night Adalyn and I made valentine's for her to take to the sitter's house. Of course I had to get a couple pictures. (You can tell Cayden wasn't feeling well.)
 Adalyn gave play-doh. "I think you're a-DOH-able"
Cayden gave bags of Teddy Grahams. "I love you "beary" much!"

Unfortunately Cayden couldn't take his treats to his friends so Adalyn was happy to take them for him. I wanted to get a cute picture of the kids in Valentine's clothes before school but of course that didn't happen.
 I love the slippers with the outfit:)
 She's got her chunky necklace on from Nana and is with her Valentine ready to go to "school." She was pretty excited!
Cayden and I spent the day together trying to keep his fever down by alternating ibuprofen and tylenol. Poor boy just wasn't himself. Once Adalyn and Jonathan got home he hung in there and opened presents and we just had a different kind of Valentine's party than what we had originally planned. (Pizza and cupcakes!)
 Daddy brought home two heart balloons and they were a hit with both kids!
 You can tell how high his fever was in these pictures. 
 He didn't want to pose with Adalyn but after she walked away he leaned back and said "cheese."
 Of course they were blessed with lots of fun presents from mommy, daddy, grammy, papa and nana. The Micky and Minnie actually got a squeal and a "I've always wanted this!" And yes they both still sleep with them nightly!

It took Cayden all weekend to get over his little virus and thankfully was able to go back to daycare on Monday. Since we had to stay home from church Valentine's Sunday I decided to dress the kids up in their Valentine's clothes the next Sunday. This is how well the picture session went...

We don't have any precious sibling pictures from this Valentine's day but we do have some of real life pictures and memories made:)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Her Knight Dance

The weekend before Valentine's Day Jonathan took Adalyn to the Her Knight Dance. This is an amazing night for daddies and daughters and this was their second year going. Last year Adalyn was just starting to get sick so although she enjoyed all of the Chick-fil-a cows dressed up she wasn't able to enjoy the whole evening and ended up leaving early. This year, she was so excited about going to the dance. She remembered it from the year before and knew what to expect. I love seeing Jonathan and Adalyn have special moments together like these. It's so important for little girls to know the love of their daddy.

Of course I took as many pictures before the dance as possible and then requested Jonathan to take a bunch during the dance. I wish I could be a fly on the wall of the dance hall to see all of the special memories made!

Adalyn chose her dress (last year's Easter dress) from her fancy dresses in her closet because she said that it is a princess dress. She felt so fancy. I just love looking at these pictures because you can tell how excited she was and how much she loves her daddy. I hope they always have this special relationship.

At the dance, Jonathan took a few pictures and had some friends take a few pictures of them together. (We know a lot of friends who take their daughters to this dance.)

When they first get to the dance each little girl gets a crown and then when they leave they get a box with a pearl bracelet - last year it was a pearl necklace. It makes the night even more special!  Here she is with the big ice sculpture wearing her crown.
 Last year this was where she fell in love with the chick-fil-a cows. She was excited to see and dance with this one!

 Eating some chicken. I'm pretty sure she ate more cookies than chicken though:)

There were some professional photographers at the dance and here were a couple that they captured.

This sweet couple taught our pre-marriage Sunday School class and then also taught us our wedding dance. Such a sweet moment captured in this picture.
Here is their formal picture.
 This is their picture from last year. I can't believe how much my girl has grown in one year!

This was such a sweet night and such wonderful memories made. I'm thankful for organizations who find it important enough to our girls to make events like this possible!