Monday, March 24, 2014

Jonathan's Mini-Me

Everyone says that Cayden looks just like Jonathan. I think it's the eyes. And the mouth. Ok, so everything except Cayden's pudgy-ness. Although Jonathan was a pudgy baby so I guess that is just like his daddy too. Anyway, I love when my boys are dressed alike. Sometimes it has been on accident and sometimes it happens on purpose because I just can't help myself. Here are two matching outfits from the past couple weeks. Of course Cayden says "cheese" right after my camera was turns off. Such a hard age to capture pictures!

Ready to cheer on the UK Wildcats! Jonathan taught him how to say "Go Cats!"

Hold on. I'm pretty sure I have a very similar picture of Jonathan with Adalyn at this age. Yep. Found it. Raising our kids the right way cheering for UK! (BTW, isn't it crazy to see how different our kids look in these pictures? They have completely different coloring and features!)

 Before church with their pink and white striped shirts, jeans (Cayden doesn't usually wear jeans to church but he had to so they could match), and matching Sperry's.

Man do I love these boys! They have my heart!


Aishlea said...

So cute! Cohen looks just like Brandon for the most part so I feel you! :)

Lindsy said...

First of all, I think he looks like you too. Second of all, love the matchy KNOW I DO! Third of all, I love that you act like Cayden wearing jeans is blasphemous (suppressing your inner Northern Baptist are you?).LOLOLOLOLOL. Pffft...Grey wears jeans like EVERY week. Love the pics.

Janine said...

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CATS!!!!!!!!!! :) Oh, and the matchy matchy is sweet ;) That only happens with our little boys...Josh actually changes if he matches anyone :) HA!