Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Lunch Date

After church on Sunday we went out to lunch with Billie, Derek, and Eli.  If you haven't already figured out, Jonathan and I are very routine people. Each day has a very monotonous routine. Sundays we go to the 10:10 church service and then go to Fazoli's for lunch where we always order the same food. It's so bad that the girl at Fazoli's recites our order to us before we even open our mouths to order. Yes, we're seriously boring and sometimes I just want to break the mold.  So, when Billie asked if we wanted to go to lunch after church I was thrilled to eat something other than the Penne with Creamy Basil Chicken no cheese and a diet coke on a Sunday afternoon! And food was not my only reason to be excited to go out to lunch. Of course the company was great.

It is just so sweet how Eli and Adalyn interact. He is so precious with her and I love hearing him try to say her name. We were in a booth so their high chairs were next to each other so of course I had to get my phone out to get some pictures. (We won't talk about "How are they both big enough for high chairs. They are our babies!!")  Don't you want to know what babies are thinking? I want to put some captions on these pictures.
"Hey Adalyn, Can you believe we get to sit together?? Finally! We haven't seen each other in so long. I've missed you!"
 "Do you like my big boy hair cut?" -E "Yeah, but I'd rather concentrate on chewing on my finger." -A
 "Seriously, LOOK at me! I'm adorable!" -E "What are doing??" -A
"You're right! I love your hair! Can I pull it??" -A  "OUCH! OK, I'm done sitting by you!" -E

HAHA! So they were precious and Eli really wanted to share some of his food with Adalyn.  I love watching them grow! And I'll be so excited to pull these pictures back out for their wedding video:) HA!  We had a great time catching up.  Sometimes life gets so hectic that you finally come up for air and realize that you haven't been able to spend any quality time with friends.  So it was wonderful and I'm so looking forward to an entire day spent with friends enjoying our kids on the 4th!

1 comment:

Billie Motsch said...

Your captions are hilarious:) Love these pics!