Friday, September 21, 2012

8 Weeks Old

Cayden turned 8 weeks old yesterday. How is this possible?? Time has flown by. I can't believe my maternity leave will be over in less than two weeks. As I did with Adalyn I have taken weekly pictures of baby C. I'll take weekly pics up to 16 weeks and then do the monthly pictures through the first year. It's a little hard to remember to do each week, but honestly I wanted to have the weekly pictures because I think it's so much fun to see the difference in the weeks.  I also think it will be fun one day to look back at both kids and compare them week to week.  My friend Shannon made the onesie ties and they are super cute in person but some of the designs are a little hard to see in the pictures because I'm not able to use my camera in anything other than automatic mode.  So here are a ton of pictures documenting Cayden's first 8 weeks...

Home from the hospital.

 Adalyn wanted to get in on the fun.
 1 Week Old

2 Weeks Old

 3 Weeks Old

4 Weeks Old

5 Weeks Old
 (The face right before a melt down.)
 6 Weeks Old

 7 Weeks Old

8 Weeks Old
 This is the first time I've captured a smile with the camera and not my phone!
At 7 weeks we finally started into size 1 diapers and now at 8 weeks I've packed up all of Cayden's Newborn clothes. He's still a little peanut for his age but to me it feels like he's growing fast.  He seems to be less fussy (other than right now when I'm trying to finish this post:)) now (may be due to my elimination of dairy...) and has slept through the night once. Usually there is one wake up and sometimes there are two wake ups. Sad face. I'm hoping that we can continue to get better with sleeping before I go back to work. He's gotten on a pretty good 3 hour eat, play, sleep routine during the day but he does like to be held to sleep which won't be great once he goes to the sitter. Oh well. He'll learn. As you can see, he has started smiling. It's very rare but it's so sweet when it happens. He loves laying under his jungle gym and looking at all the colorful animals hanging. But when he's done laying under it, he is DONE! :) He feels the same way about his bouncy seat. It'll be fun to see his personality as he grows. He's such a sweetheart. I just can't get enough of him!!


Lindsy said...

My child won't sit in things for long either, so I'm with ya sister. He's so cute and has gotten so much bigger. I'm proud of you for keeping up with the pics...I'm way behind. Go Mom!

Crystal said...

So handsome!